Tales from the Hen House

By Charlotte Popescu

RRP £3.99

Here you will find eighteen delightful stories from far and wide featuring speckled eggs, speckled hens, grey hens, clucky hens, proud cockerels and wandering chicks.

You will read about ‘Mr Fox and the Bantams’ saved by Tommy the cockerel, the hen who outwitted the crocodile convincing him that she was his sister, the mouse who saved Mother Hen and her chicks from the wicked sparrow-hawk. You will learn about the cockerel who lent his antlers to the dragon and never got them back. And you will read about a dog called Patch whose pride and joy was his brood of chicks!

Tales from the Hen House will enchant families who have their own hens in the garden up and down the country; we all know what endearing characters hens can be, how wonderful to eat their eggs fresh from the nest box and what a joy it is to watch Mother Hen with her chicks or Father Cockerel looking after his flock