Arrival of the Alpacas

Earlier this year we suffered a fox attack and due to my forgetfulness I lost two of my favourite hens. Predators are a constant worry when keeping free ranging hens; if I am out for the day, will I be home in time to shut up the hens at dusk? Might the fox sneak in during that small window of opportunity between darkness setting in and my arrival home. The solution came to me one night and a few weeks later my initial idea became a reality. The plan was ‘Alpacas in the field’ – my husband and I duly went  on a ‘Keeping Alpacas’ Course and after internet searches and a bit of networking I had a choice of various sets of Alpacas. Two castrated males were what I needed as they make the best flock guards and I wanted a colourful one to go with the more common white Alpaca.  Two Alpacas duly arrived in the back of a van on Easter Saturday. As the doors opened Alfie literally fell out landing on his knees. The two were herded through the garden into the field and immediately checked out their new surroundings by marching round the perimeter of the paddock like two potential buyers. My flock of chickens were certainly startled by the new arrivals and our voices were drowned out by some serious squawking but the noise died down after a while. The alpacas, named George and Alfie quickly chose their loo area and, very helpfully, they always use the same spot. Alpaca droppings make great fertiliser and can be used on the vegetable patch straightaway. George and Alfie, should see off any foxes that dare to enter the field and get close to the early morning free-ranging chooks (those who roost in the fir tree get up before me in the summer).

Now settled in, alpacas and hens are quite used to each other. They even share the same dust bathing spots! They are not the friendliest of creatures but there is nothing better than a bucket of alpaca nuts to tempt them to come ever closer!